Medibus Information

Medibus for the Parish of Kirkburn

Medibus services provide residents of the East Riding of Yorkshire with transport from their front door to local hospitals, doctors' surgeries, clinics and dentists. Passengers can also use the service for visiting friends and relatives in hospital. All the vehicles used on the service are wheelchair accessible.

Please note: the East Riding of Yorkshire Council now operates a policy where all wheelchairs and scooters must be crash tested to current ISO 7176-19 standard for their safe and restrained transportation. The policy does not affect passengers who use a folding wheelchair and transfer to a seat.

For further information please contact the Medibus team on 03456 445959.

How to book the Medibus service

You must book your journey in advance and bookings are taken on a first come, first served basis.

To book a journey on the Medibus service contact the dedicated Medibus:

Call: 03456 445959      8.30am-4.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Alternatively, you can email the details of the journey you require, including your contact details.


Once your booking has been accepted and confirmed the driver will call you the night before to advise you of your approximate pickup time. You will be picked up from your home address. Please be ready a few minutes before the time the driver gives you.


Medibus service costs

Charges for Medibus services:

Child under the age of 16 - no charge to use Medibus services

Passenger assistant or a carer - no charge to use Medibus services

Disabled pass holder - single ticket: £2.50, return ticket: £5

Concessionary pass holder - single ticket: £2.50, return ticket: £5 

Adult without any type of bus pass - single ticket: £5, return ticket: £10.